Free Logo by
Try, this service offers free logo design in a fairly customized way, choose the elements you like and combining with the wording, color, here you get one basic logo, and if you need a more professional one, logomakr also offer professionally designed logo, checked out for details. Or you can search on google for free logo service. If you are more retail facing, then it worth to investment for overall visual design concept.
Here are some free logo sample you can create from
Here are some free logo sample you can create from
Free Logo by
You can also try, which is a similar logo maker web application, you can use the symbols provided, text and pictures to build your own logo. It is pretty easy, you can refer to the tutorial to try to build you own, once finished, you can also pay to get full size logo file, the free logo is limited to 300*300 size only.
Here are some logo samples from online logo maker, please note that these logoes might not be from the provided symbol and professional assistance might be required.
Here are some logo samples from online logo maker, please note that these logoes might not be from the provided symbol and professional assistance might be required.
Update: Tweak has stopped providing free logo service
Free Logo with

As one small business, the resource is always limited. When you boot strap your solo or micro business, you have to make best use of every penny, but at the same time, you want your business presented in a professional way.
You can get free logo design from, after you choose the logo, we can apply your logo to your website, stationary, while high resolution version of logo will be paid, details please refer to tweak website. Based on tweak, you can also design your own basic promotional items, like name card, flyers, brochure and all kinds of printed marketing materials.
You can get free logo design from, after you choose the logo, we can apply your logo to your website, stationary, while high resolution version of logo will be paid, details please refer to tweak website. Based on tweak, you can also design your own basic promotional items, like name card, flyers, brochure and all kinds of printed marketing materials.